Pearls: Real or Fake? 10 Easy Ways to Tell

Mike Levine

There’s a lot of technology out there that can make fake pearls look real to the untrained eye. But here are TEN EASY TIPS you can try to see if your pearls are real or imitation.


  1. If you rub real pearls across your teeth, they’ll feel gritty, not smooth
  2. Real pearls warm up when worn
  3. Fake pearls are usually lighter than real pearls
  4. Real pearls are actually cool to the touch
  5. Fake pearls are one color, with no “depth” or luster
  6. Fake pearls are mostly all the same size
  7. Real pearls can reflect – imitations can’t
  8. Rub them together – a powder is produced by real pearls
  9. Knock them together – you’ll hear a soft sound produced by real pearls
  10. Our best tip: Buy from a trusted retailer like David Craig Jewelers!


FYI: The world’s largest natural pearl weighs close to 60 pounds and is valued at between $60 and $90 million. It looks more like a giant tooth than what we consider a true pearl.


Photo: This sterling silver and white rhodium plated Officina Bernardi necklace features 8 mm white natural pearls. Made in Italy.

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