FIVE Dazzling Diamond Details

Mike Levine

The sparkling, fiery quality of a natural born diamond is hard to beat. Prized for centuries, diamonds are the ultimate gift of love.

#1 You Wear it Well
The tradition of wearing diamonds on the left hand seems to trace back to ancient times. The “vena amoris,” (Latin for the vein of love) was said to run from the heart to the fourth finger of the left hand. Today, while many men and women continue this lefty tradition, it’s also common to wear diamonds on the right hand especially if you’re left-handed and want to avoid scratching your ring. The choice comes down to culture and simple personal preference.

#2 The Hard Facts
A unique, tight arrangement of carbon atoms make diamonds some of the hardest naturally occurring substances in the world. In addition to being used to create gorgeous jewelry, diamonds are employed for cutting and drilling for industrial applications, in medical technology, audio equipment and more. The word diamond comes from the Greek “adamas” which means indestructible.

#3 They’re Old. VERY Old.
Naturally born diamonds may be billions of years old and are formed approximately 90 -150 miles below the earth’s surface. Mother Nature started that gorgeous ring on your finger as simple carbon. It then crystallized to become one of the most cherished jewels on the planet.

#4 They Can Be Big. VERY Big.
The largest rough diamond ever mined is the Cullinan diamond, found by Sir Thomas Cullinan in 1905. According to the Cape Town Diamond Museum, the rough diamond weighed in at more than 3,000 carats (app. 1.33 pounds) and was eventually cut into nine large stones and 96 smaller stones, with two of the largest stones part of the Crown Jewels.

#5 Colors Galore
When most of us think diamond, we think brilliant and colorless. But diamonds can be pale yellow, white, brown, blue, purple, green, orange, pink, red and even black. According to the GIA, red, orange, green and blue diamonds with medium to dark tones and moderate saturations are extremely rare, hence the most expensive. Red diamonds are the rarest, with the GIA saying that only 30 or so examples have ever been found.

Visit Langhorne, PA’s David Craig Jewelers for honest diamond pricing within your budget. We’ll help you design a stunning, one-of-a-kind engagement ring setting that’s as beautiful and unique as your love. Our team of gemological professionals, led by David Craig Rotenberg, are eager to help you find the perfect ring for your partner.

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